Whole Beauty® Institute

What is the most popular cosmetic surgery for men? Our Chicago-based team sees many male patients who are interested in restoring a more youthful, energized, and masculine appearance with cosmetic procedures.

Although the majority of cosmetic procedures are performed on women, men pay attention to their appearance too, and are seeking to put their best face forward by turning to surgical procedures that help them to achieve their desired look.

Studies show that a growing number of men are having cosmetic procedures in the hopes of achieving their aesthetic goals. However, it’s important to note that when men undergo cosmetic treatments, they are often hoping for different results and take a different approach to the endeavor than women. Men often want the most subtle results possible that blend in with their existing features.

With that in mind, these are the top five most in-demand procedures for male patients.


BOTOX® and other neuromodulators are the top cosmetic procedures used by men. These minimally invasive injections reduce lines on the face, including forehead wrinkles, frown lines, and crow’s feet. Men often use less neurotoxin and still want to keep some wrinkles rather than erasing them entirely, in order to preserve an “experienced” look.

2. Neck Lift

Sagging skin and excess fat can obscure the jaw area. This can make men look older or heavier than they actually are. A neck lift is a great way to restore a more youthful and energetic appearance, especially in a world increasingly dominated by online video conferences that can show participants from unflattering angles.

3. Liposuction

Men and women store body fat differently: Women tend to store excess fat on the lower body, such as the hips and thighs, while men store more of their fat on the abdominal area. For men who want to get rid of a “dad bod” and restore a leaner, more toned appearance, liposuction can be ideal. This surgery is intended for patients who are already active and exercise regularly but are unable to get the look they want. Liposuction can be used on the stomach, flanks, below the chin, and other areas.

4. Eyelid Lift

The eyelids are one of the areas where the most prominent, telltale signs of aging show for both men and women. Signs of aging—such as sagging skin and brows, bulging fat pads below the eyes, and deep tear troughs—are associated with fatigue and loss of vitality. The upper and lower eyelids can be rejuvenated to restore a more vibrant look. When performed correctly, the results will be very subtle.

5. Gynecomastia

Excess fat and skin on the breasts can cause the chest to develop a feminine appearance. The problem has many causes, but hormone imbalances and excess weight are two of the most major players. Gynecomastia surgery can address this condition to restore a more toned and masculine appearance.

Our Chicago-based Whole Beauty® Institute team will explain more about these treatments if you’re interested. Call us at 312-751-2112 (Chicago Gold Coast Office) or 847-446-7562 (North Shore (Winnetka) Office), or submit a contact form to request a consultation.