We offer laser liposuction with the SlimLipo® device under local anesthesia in our Chicago and Winnetka offices. In general patients can return to exercise much more quickly than with other techniques. This makes laser liposuction particularly attractive to athletes, who do not want to disrupt their training schedules.
A significant number of people exercise in order to improve or maintain their body shape and to keep their weight within a desired range. As a person loses weight due to increased exercise a desirable feedback cycle is established. When your clothes fit better, you feel good about your appearance, and you are likely to want to continue exercising.
There is a persistent myth that I would like to dispel – that there is a way to significantly tighten loose skin involving a technique of liposuction. The ideal candidate for liposuction is a person who is relatively young with good skin tone and localized fat deposits and who has good personal habits of nutrition and exercise.
High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty is my preferred technique for restoring the tone of the abdomen. Patients come to me for this procedure because they have experienced a loss of tone of the abdominal skin, usually as a result of pregnancy or significant weight fluctuation.
Facial fat transfer for athletes and physically active people can provide a very nice solution to the tendency for the face to appear a little gaunt and hollow as the years advance.