Various Neck Lift Surgery Techniques
Dr. John Q. Cook has developed various neck lift surgery techniques, each of which is designed for a specific type of neck problem for our Chicago patients.
Dr. John Q. Cook has developed various neck lift surgery techniques, each of which is designed for a specific type of neck problem for our Chicago patients.
My purpose with this particular blog and its counterparts is to address the specific issues that are important to athletes considering breast augmentation. In later blogs I will focus on issues that are important to athletes considering breast lift (mastopexy) or breast reduction surgery.
An increasing percentage of our patients choose from our portfolio of limited incision surgeries for facial rejuvenation. These surgeries include customized face lifts, cheek lifts, jaw border lifts, and neck lifts, as well as certain types of brow lifts and eyelid surgery. They can be carried out under local anesthesia in the comfort and privacy of the Whole Beauty® Institute in Chicago and Winnetka.
Periareolar breast augmentation surgery involves an incision at the lower border of the areola which hides well along the areolar border. This works well for those with scars or a tendency to form thicker scars.
The advantage of axillary breast augmentation is that the incision is placed in a location away from the breast. The incision is placed in the armpit.