Yoga Benefits to Breast Reduction
Yoga benefits my breast reduction patients. Methods relieve neck pressure, improve balance and flexibility and breathing techniques aid in healing process.
How Breast Augmentation effects the nipple and areola
Breast augmentation may have significant effects on the nipple and the areola, the colored zone that surrounds the nipple. Our Chicago patients know It is important to discuss these issues with their surgeon in order to avoid unintended consequences.
Why liposuction can enhance fitness and health
A significant number of people exercise in order to improve or maintain their body shape and to keep their weight within a desired range. As a person loses weight due to increased exercise a desirable feedback cycle is established. When your clothes fit better, you feel good about your appearance, and you are likely to want to continue exercising.
Liposuction and Loose Skin
There is a persistent myth that I would like to dispel – that there is a way to significantly tighten loose skin involving a technique of liposuction. The ideal candidate for liposuction is a person who is relatively young with good skin tone and localized fat deposits and who has good personal habits of nutrition and exercise.