Enhanced Oxygen Facials
Enhanced Oxygen Facials have emerged as an extremely popular treatment at the Whole Beauty® Institute. In this pleasant spa-like treatment one of our skilled aesthetics team uses a stream of oxygen to gently push beneficial compounds into the skin.
Cellulaze® for Permanent Cellulite Reduction in a Single Treatment
Cellulaze® is an FDA approved therapy that provides permanent cellulite reduction with a single treatment. Many of the women who come to me as patients are very athletic. They exercise 5 to 6 days a week, do Yoga, eat a Mediterranean diet, and yet when it comes to cellulite, it is all to no avail. Cellulite is an irregularity of the skin and the fat just beneath it, most commonly in the back of the thigh, the buttock, and the outer thigh, but sometimes in other areas.
Dr. Cook Named US News Top Doctor
Dr. Cook was recently named a US News Top Doctor. Physicians on this list are selected according to rigorous criteria and reviews by peers.
Breast Implants and Breast Lift Combined
A recent patient raised a question that commonly comes up in consultation: whether breast implants and a breast lift can be combined in a single surgery. A careful consideration of the patient’s breast structure, the type of surgical technique employed for a breast lift or mastopexy, and the patient’s state of health and well-being will guide us in our recommendation. Consultations for the combined surgery of a breast lift with breast implants are available for both our Chicago and Winnetka offices.