Powerful benefits can come to women with significant but not massive breast enlargement who are very athletic. In the last few years, breast reduction in athletes is a surgery I have performed in an increasing number done primarily to help women increase their athletic performance and enjoyment of physical activity.
You can improve the chance of having an excellent result from face lift surgery that will last many years if you take an active role in preparing for your surgery. These seven measures have distinct benefits for long term health and well-being. Many of my patients have used face lift surgery as a catalyst to bring about positive changes in their lives.
A Breast Lift Technique that Restores Upper Breast Fullness without Implants Many plastic surgeons routinely place breast implants as part of the breast lift (mastopexy) operation. They do this to provide fullness in the upper portion of the breast after surgery. Many...
The structural mastopexy technique is a great leap forward for breast surgery. As I’ve developed the technique, I’ve expanded its use to a wide range of possibilities including: breast reduction, augmentation-mastopexy, and breast reconstruction.